Happy New Years everyone. New year, new decade, new music to go with it. I've lined up a couple posts of one hit wonders from the past 30 years or so. I've always thought that the term one hit wonder was pretty subjective in that every band that has ever been labeled a one hit wonder has a fan somewhere that would argue that point with you. I always use Modern English as a great example. If you just listened to mainstream radio in the 80's, you would think that they only really had one hit, Melt With You. But if you listened to any underground or college rock station, you would know that Modern English had a pretty good run. But, since the label one hit wonder is a mainstream label, I'll just go with the criteria that the band only had one mainstream hit.
On a more personnel note, my vacation is coming to an end, and I've got a lot of work waiting for me when I get back. In fact, I already know that I have two trips coming up, both to Boulder, CO. That's not a bad thing, for sure...some of the best beer I've ever drunk is from the Boulder area. I'm hoping that I don't do as many trip this year as I did last year. Last year, I was gone for 36 weeks. Trust me, there is nothing glamorous or sexy about business travel.
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