Monday, January 11, 2010


Ever have the prospect of something happening, something really really good, and you just hold your breath in anticipation? Almost scared to think about it, because it's so good, you don't want to jinx things? Well, my friends, that's exactly what's happening to me. And if it driving me nuts, it absolutely killing my wife!

It's no secret that I'm not exactly happy with my current position. I mean, it's a job, and I am very very good at it, but I would love to move on. Well, last week, not one, but two, and possibly a third, opportunity presented itself to me, and all three is a step up. One is actually more of a huge leap than a step. The job I really am waiting for would move me out to San Francisco, and give me a monthly living allowance, and a car allowance. And since my wife is from California, and she has a new grand daughter out there, she is very anxious at the prospect of this deal happening. I've had one interview already, and as basically told I was a perfect fit. The second position is one with an old peer of mine and that's really a formality, just the details need to be worked out. One of those details...going out to San Fran with a monthly living allowance.

Then on Friday, out of the blue, I received another honor. My company has several business units, seven to be exact. I was told that I'm now one of seven IT Architect profession leads. So, lots of things in the works!

For the next three days, I'll be doing more Left of the Dial posts...lots of great stuff coming up, so be sure to come back!


Retro Hound said...

Sounds like good things are going on. Congradulations.

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