Sunday, January 10, 2010

70's/80's POP ROCK

So, in case you haven't noticed, I don't really use this blog to talk about music, per se. Instead, I generally just talk about what ever comes to my mind. It might be what ever is happening at work, or what's going on in my life. Or something interesting I read. Mostly, this is really like a diary, and the music I post here is kind of the soundtrack of my life. I'm pretty sure most people who visit the site never really even read it. No matter. Whether you enjoy the music, peeping into my life, or both, as long as your happy, I'm happy.

Having said that, I read an article yesterday on some upcoming technology that promises to be amazing. Before I get into it, I have to tell you all I am a geek. I have a degree in electrical engineering, I work for probably the largest technology companies in the world. I routinely over see projects that are in the hundreds of millions to multi-billion dollars. In my personal life, I try to leverage the power of technology to make my life more convenient. One of the things I use a log is voice over IP, or VOIP. I have a nifty little Plantronics Bluetooth headsets that I can multihome (or connect) to both my laptop and my cell phone at the same time. My work provides VOIP for free through our instant messenger suite. When I'm on the road, I use it all the time for conference calls and such. It saver my cell phone bill and works like a champ. In fact, between my laptop and my cell phone, I rarely use a good old fashioned telephone anymore.

When I was heading over seas to work in Europe, I was tempted to buy one of those MagicJacks you seem on TV. It's a nifty product that I've been tempted to buy for my home. I have a couple co-workers who have one, and who love it. But the need to plug in an old fashioned telephone to it just kind of bugs me. A lot. So I've thus far resisted the temptation. That was, however, until I read this article yesterday.

Seems they now have a little product that will allow your cell phone to make VOIP phone calls, by intercepting the outgoing call, and placing it over the internet. Very cool! Now, my first thought was that this is illegal, and the cell companies will sue them into the ground. However, the MagicJack folks make a very good point. The cell companies bought the cellular bandwidth out in public, but they did NOT but the airwaves inside your home. So, for now, this seems on the up and up, and they are planning to release it in the next few months. I want to go to there!


Larry said...

...and you're a fan of 30 Rock! Excellent taste in music and television, sir. Be safe on your travels.

Jim said...

I wondered if anyone would notice that! :-)

Retro Hound said...

All that technology and you still don't use spell check. What a shame. (I can say that as I misspelled 'congratulations' in my last comment).

Jim said...

My spelling is horrible. I think it was because I was so lazy in grade school. As for spell check...most times, I just plain ignore my own peril, it would seem!

Retro Hound said...

The problem is the words are real words, like you wrote "log" when I think you meant "lot" and "It saver my cell phone bill" things like that. But hey, if I notice them then I must be reading. Right? And you used a bunch of technological terms in this post that I didn't understand so I had to bring you down to make myself feel better. (insert smiley face here)

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