Thursday, January 14, 2010

60'S and 70'S SONGS I DIG A LOT VOL. 1

Sooo...I was watching the opening night of that annual train-wreck known as American Idol. Disclaimor: I am NOT a fan of the show. I think it's inane at best, and honestly, I really can't stand the neutered, falsetto singing wussies they pick. And if I hear one more vocal "run", I'm gonna scream. But my wife loves the damn show, so guess what I get to watch? Yep, American Idol.

You know the world is seriously upside down when everyone kisses the ass of the guest judge...non other than that talented ass clown Victoria Beckham. Seriously? This chick was in a niche girl what, 12 years ago, and suddenly, not only is she a judge, everyone kisses her ass like she KNOWS what talent is all about. Just brutal. Then to top it off, she spent the whole evening trying her best to imitate Paula Abdul. Without the drugs, of course, so not as much slurring. Gimme a freaking break. This dried up, anorexic butt assed ugly chic did nothing but irritate the hell out of me.

But you know what really pisses me off? This whole business of letting people who don't stand a chance through, simply so those jackasses can laugh at them,give them some verbal abuse, and then throw them out. To me, that's fucking cruel. Sure, some of those people know what's going on. But some of them don't. Some of them honestly think they have what it takes, no doubt pumped up by some jag off producer who pumps them up. And then they get the hammed slammed down on them, everyone thinks it's funny. Me? I think it my kid was treated like that, it would take a hell of a lot of security to keep me from ripping someones throat out. Maybe I'm looking too much into it, but I just don't like making fun of people. It's not funny, and it really doesn't do anything but make the show look pretty douche-bag'ish.

Not only that, but even the people who do get through aren't exactly the kind of people whose music I would buy. Do you think D. Boon from the Minutemen would have made it? Or would they have laughed at him? How about David Thomas from Pere Ubu? Or Mark Mothersbaugh from Devo? See what I'm getting at here? The only people who get through are generic, dime a dozen, R&B inspired, falsetto hitting wannabe's. And that's exactly who wins. Other than one or two winners, can anyone really say that the show has discovered any great talent?


Retro Hound said...

So, don't hold back, tell us what you really think about the show.

I've only seen parts of a couple of episodes of AI. We watched a show called "The Next Great American Band" which was related to AI, but I much prefered it. It didn't have Simon for one thing. You can search for it and be sure to watch The Clark Brothers version of "Gimme Shelter." Absolutly stunning.

Great selection of songs here.

Larry said...

Best use of the word ASSCLOWN in the year 2010 so far...ASSHAT could also work in a pinch.

Peewit said...

I've been working at home today and Have worked my way through all your posts and songs. Great Stuff. You've found yourself a regular reader/listener

Jim said...

RH, I love Next Great American Band! It's a much better show. But for the most part, I think reality shows are the lowest common denominator. The network loves em because they don't have to pay a cast of actors a million bucks a show, so it save them money. Nevermind that they suck. lol

Anonymous said...

8 miles night and when you touch down...

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