Saturday, August 20, 2011


I've started a new blog, over on Tumblr, called The Dudes Music. I like the tumblr's pretty easy. So head on over there, and take a look.

I like Tumblr a allows me to post 1 song at a time.  That's means I don't have to come up with endless themes.  That was always a challenge, and at the time I ended this blog, I frankly had become tired of the daily effort, I felt I was mailing it in.  I love music, and it deserves a bigger effort than just mailing it in.

So come on over.  You can still listen to the tunes, like you could here.  You can still download the music.  Posting single songs allows me to post a much larger variety of music.  Rap, country, oldies, new ones, alternative, punk,'s all there.

You can find the new site here: The Dudes Music


Retro Hound said...

Well, we won't be able to make comments at the new place, but at least you're doing something.

Retro Hound said...

Have you tried Spotify?

Jim said...

No, I haven't tried spotify...I'll head over an look that up.

As far as the comments go, I do miss those, and after using Tumblr for a week, there are other things I miss alot. I think, though, that there may be a way to hook up my RSS feed from Tumblr into Blogger, so that I cross post here as well. That way, I can maintain this as a living site that people can comment on.

The other alternative is to hack up a Tumblr template that uses Disqus. That way, people can comment.

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